Please review the following information before your trip, and keep it with you during your stay.
Weather and Road Information Local San Diego Weather: Road Conditions: Or call (800)-427-7623 Site Information Camp Surf Contact: Brent Ayers Telephone: 619-423-5850 Address: 106 Carnation Ave.
| City/State/Zip: Imperial Beach, CA 91932 Latitude: 32 degrees 35’ 2N Longitude: 117 degrees 6’ 44W
Emergency Information Call 911 First Hospital: Sharp Coronado Address: 250 Prospect Place
| Phone #: (619)522-3722
Directions from Camp Surf to Sharp Coronado Hospital: From Camp Surf turn right onto Carnation Ave. Go to stop sign, turn left on Sea Coast Dr. Go 1 block to Palm Ave and turn left. Go 1 mile to Rainbow and turn left. Go to Highway 75 and turn left. (Highway 75 turns into Orange.) Go through town of Coronado to 2nd Street and turn right. Go to Soledad and turn right. Go to 3rd Street and turn left. Emergency room of hospital is on the left.
Directions Traveling South on 1-5 or 1- 805, Take Palm Ave (Highway 75) Exit. **I-805 has two totally different Palm Ave. Exits. DO NOT take Palm Ave Exit #11A in San Diego. Instead, travel 8.6 miles farther south to Palm Ave Exit #2. - See map Special Note A. Turn Right (West) at top of Ramp, Palm Ave. STAY on Palm Ave towards Imperial Beach. ***Be aware that Palm Ave & Highway 75 split -Palm Ave bears LEFT on to Imperial Beach, while Hwy 75 goes RIGHT (almost straight) to Silver Strand State Beach and Coronado. See map Special Note B. Follow Signs and Keep LEFT on Palm Ave. Turn Right (north) at the SECOND 4-way stop sign onto SEACOAST DRIVE. Go 3 Blocks to Stop Sign. Turn Right (east) onto Carnation Ave. On Your Left you will see a fence and soon after the gate to CAMP SURF! Follow the entrance road to the left and you are here!
