| Mark Rowland, President and Chief Executive Officer | Mark has been producing effective, interactive, hands-on education for over thirty years. He has presented to acclaim at numerous international conferences for several industry associations. His undergraduate degree is in Business Administration and graduate program in Experiential Education. Mark gets his phenomenal energy from helping people widen their expectations for themselves, and match those with higher achievement. He and his programs are listed in the Faculty Directory for the Young President’s Organization (YPO) of proven resources.
Mark’s avocational pursuits focus around service to his community and industry. He has served on the Board of Directors for the Association for Experiential Education, held many leadership positions for the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team, is an active rescuer and past Training Officer for the Bear Mountain Professional Ski Patrol, and an instructor in many disciplines for the National Ski Patrol System. Mark has been a faculty member or field instructor at four major universities, a law enforcement special tactics instructor, a Red Cross disaster specialist, a paramedic, and a U.S. Forest Service fire lookout. He brings the adventure and passion of this diverse and exciting background to life in his high-energy presentations. Mark lives on a mountainside in Big Bear City, CA, with his wife, Marcia, and Labrador Retrievers, Cody and Molly. (top) | Jeanine Stocks, Community Programs Manager | Defining Moment: Jeanine has been providing outstanding outdoor educational services to her clients for over 15 years. In her own words she explains her motivation as follows: “My mother has been one of my greatest teachers. The whole time I was growing up, she was always involved with one charity organization or another. Two that I remember specifically were Easter Seals and Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. When I was in my mid teens, during a banquet, I helped seat and serve many folks with Multiple Sclerosis. I remember taking a break, sitting outside under a tree and contemplating the great need for people who are willing to help others. I knew I wasn’t going to help by finding a cure for M.S., but I did know that my life would follow a path of service.”
Jeanine on working for Peak Performance!™: . It has been my passion to work with children from all walks of life and offer them program that they will remember the rest of their lives. Through the use of outdoor/experiential/environmental education we are able to provide youth (as well as other populations) with life skills and positive learning experiences that tend to influence certain future actions or decisions. Since the late ‘80’s I have been committed to providing educational programs to (primarily) youth and see it as a way to serve our children and ultimately our society. Community Involvement: Jeanine’s service to her community is characterized by her dedication to providing industry leading outdoor education programs to independent schools, colleges, and community groups for the last 15 years. During this time she has also managed to give more of herself to bettering the outdoor education field by volunteering for the Association for Experiential Education, Soroptimist International, and Idyllwild Charter School. For the Association for Experiential Education Jeanine served as a Board Member and Treasurer, West Region Chair and Treasurer, Accreditation Reviewer, the West Region Conference Convener, and a member of the Strategic Plan Committee (2000-2005). She has been a member of Soroptimist International and volunteered as Treasurer, and for the Idyllwild Charter School Jeanine served as the Board Chair. Jeanine has a degree in Business Management and is certified in Wilderness First Responder and CPR/ First Aid. In her spare time, she loves to play softball, cook, read, and spend time with her husband, Pete, and son, Ryan, playing canasta. (top) | Marcia Lamberts Rowland, Chief Financial Officer, and Board of Directors | No ordinary “bean-counter” here! Marcia used her experience in successful writing and office management careers to bring unprecedented balance to the Peak Finance Office. While guiding the organization to financial strength and stability, she has broken the stereotypes of accounting with compassion, creativity, and caring. She embodies the success principles of our curriculum: achievement, performance, and triumph with a huge heart!
Environmental responsibility and community service are two of Marcia’s hallmarks, and she directs our Corporate Citizenship initiatives. She has held leadership positions on the Bear Valley Search and Rescue team, been active in Habitat for Humanity, as well as in local and national environmental organizations. Marcia is a professional artist, published author, and accomplished musician. (top) | Jeff Glover , Program Director | Defining Moment: Jeff speaks to the challenge of changing the way people think about themselves and work with each other and that this possibility exists for everyone and every group. Here he explains the impact of his experience, “When I was a counselor at Eckerd Youth Alternatives in western North Carolina I started in the lowest functioning group on property and went through some horrific trials and tribulations. About eight long months later I was sitting in the wood yard with my co-counselor and time stopped for us. We were sitting on a log and looked around. It was a warm fall day and the leaves were changing colors and falling off the trees. We looked around and realized our commitment to these boys paid off and took a moment to appreciate our efforts as we saw one group of boys happily chopping wood for winter and another group busily cooking dinner for everybody else. Everybody was getting along and using skills we taught them, in what seemed like vain, but they were now able to use these skills without so much as a reminder. Watching these events unfold I turned to my co-counselor, Mack, and said, “This is what it’s all about.” That was when I realized that I had the ability to truly transform people's lives for the better through outdoor, experiential education.”
Jeff on working for Peak Performance!™: “I now have the amazing opportunity to impact thousands of people a year and give them undeniable proof, by facilitating extraordinary experiences, that they can do things that they never thought possible. It brings me great pleasure to connect with people in this way.” Community Involvement: Jeff started his community service as an undergraduate crisis intervention counselor with the Vacaville (CA) Police Department, Youth Services Division and the Live Oak (CA) Unified School District counseling elementary and middle school students one on one. After graduating with a degree in Human Development, Jeff jumped straight into social work with Sutter County Child Protective Services. Next stop for Jeff was Eckerd Youth Alternatives in North Carolina, a year round wilderness therapy program for adjudicated youth. After two years and a promotion to Senior Counselor, Jeff left Eckerd to return to southern California where he facilitated outdoor education trips and challenge course programs for numerous organizations all over Southern California. During this time Jeff worked programs for Peak Performance!™, Azure Adventure Professionals, the Navy Outdoor Adventure Center, the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, San Diego State University ARC Team Challenge and Aztec Adventures, Challenge University with Andi Burgis, and Out of the Ordinary group adventures just to name a few! Jeff took on a full time position in January of 2004 with Peak Performance!™ and is dedicated to continuing his service to the experiential education community. Jeff is certified in Wilderness First Responder, First Aid, and CPR through Wilderness Medical Associates. What I really believe in: Love (and life) is an adventure…quote on my wedding program! You can make a life changing connection with someone anytime, anywhere…and you may never even know it!
(top) | Burt Gershater, Clinical Manager, Facilitator, and Board of Directors | Burt is an exciting, nationally-known speaker and trainer. He has inspired, motivated, and coached thousands of people across the country. Participants report that they are inspired to believe in their ability to succeed beyond their highest personal and professional dreams, and they leave equipped with the tools to make these dreams a reality. Burt’s clients consistently report a more intense focus and greater productivity after his presentations. His programs range from one-hour keynote talks to three-day intensive Leadership/Team Building Programs. Burt’s messages are customized for corporate and public sector groups, and collegiate athletic teams. In addition, Burt tailors specific programs for the unique challenges of parents, students, and educators.
Burt is a Certified Professional Counselor. He has been in private practice, leading seminars and giving keynote talks for over twenty-five years. He is a published writer and poet. In addition, he created and directed the award-winning TV news segment, “Successful Living." He is an avid mountain climber, skier, and outdoorsman. Burt also manages Peak Performance!'s office in Flagstaff, AZ. (top) | Dr. Barbara Law, Dean of Curriculum | Curriculum is the heart of our service. Barb keeps us on track with innovative methods, sound technique, research-based principles, understanding of and compassion for students, and inspiration. She’s the genius behind our unique “Spectrum of Services” approach to selecting the perfect Learning Modules for client success. Dr. Law matches her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, and a Teaching Credential with real, practical, hands-on experience as a tenured Associate Professor, secondary, and middle school teacher. She has authored two books and dozens of professional articles and presentations in the field. (top) | John Ryan, Board of Directors and Facilitator | John specializes in increasing the effectiveness of clients’ personal and professional interactions, knowing and valuing themselves and their contributions, and exceeding self-perceived barriers. His programs bring the power of adventure to the learning process. Not just a speaker, John facilitates activity-based sessions that get people excited about working together and focused on a common goal. He's received rave reviews from large and small companies, both for-profit and non-profit. John’s undergraduate work was done at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and he has been involved with experiential education for over twenty years. His hobbies include hiking, fishing, canoeing, and playing acoustic guitar.
(top) | Bruce Harter , Climbing Wall Manager | Defining Moment: Bruce’s outdoor pursuits, quest for adventure, and community involvement have strong and deep roots. In Bruce’s own words, he explains his introduction to the outdoors, “Some of my earliest memories are of camping trips with my family--my parents made it a point to get us out camping at least once a month. Looking back, this was some of the best times I spent with my parents and family.” Now that Bruce has kids of his own, Sarah and Kahle, he and his wife, Ann, make it a point to get them out as often as possible.
Bruce on working for Peak Performance!™: “I love the fact that now I can pass on my love of the outdoors to kids and teens who don't have this same opportunity. I honestly believe that every child needs to spend time in the outdoors- be it car camping, backpacking, day hikes, or at camp - this was a defining part of my life and can be a defining part of every child’s development if given the opportunity." Community Involvement: Bruce’s commitment to his community includes work with the Boy Scouts of America - Associate Adviser for Venturing Crew 87 - Big Bear Lake, CA. He has been the Treasurer, committee member, and former assistant leader for Cub Scout Pack 87. He is certified by the Boy Scouts of America as a Lead Climbing Instructor, Outdoor Leader, Backpacking Leader, and Range Safety Officer for archery, BB, rifle, pistol, and shotgun ranges! He is also an active member of the San Bernardino County Sheriff Search and Rescue, Bear Valley Team. He is certified by the National Association for Search and Rescue at the SAR Tech Two level, and certified by San Bernardino County in CPR / 1st aid, Alpine rescue, Technical ropes, and Rope rescue. "Things I really believe in: Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, living by the "Golden Rule" - Do untoothers... Ascorny as that sounds, I truly believe in that. I try my best to teach by example in the way I live and act. I have always enjoyed working with and helping others, even way back when I was a kid in Sunday school!"
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