Join our Leadership Forum: “A Leader's Club using Adventure Experiences to Build Leadership Skills”
The Peak Performance!™ Leadership Forum is a community of like-minded individuals who come together to increase their personal and professional effectiveness and achievements. Attendance is by invitation-only, based on the individual’s accomplishments in a prior Peak Performance!™ group program. The Forum is an intense, two-day retreat that helps participants identify their own "personal best" leadership style, teaches proven group effectiveness techniques, and prepares them to lead team members to greater accomplishments. It begins before the program starts, with leadership and teamwork assessments and pre-program preparation. The retreat itself is fast-paced, highly interactive, and activity-filled. Participants develop personal mission, values, and leadership statements to guide them. They learn building blocks of group effectiveness, practice giving and receiving feedback for continuous improvement, create action plans to optimize their team leadership, and commit to ongoing assessment and development programs.
Participants come home with a "toolbox" full of tried and true tools that they can use with their teams, and receive a complimentary subscription to Teamwork Report™. Peak Performance!™’s monthly electronic resource of tools for success. To ensure maximum value in their post-retreat lives, participants form a coaching triad to help each other implement the action plans they create during the retreat. Their Leadership Handbook will inform their work. And, Peak Performance!™ facilitators are available to them for follow-up coaching.